通貨膨脹 Inflation



You know how to calculate Inflation?
If you cannot afford to eat Steak, then you go to eat Mc Burger.
If you cannot afford to eat M Burger, then you go to eat R Burger.
If you can't even afford R Burger, then you go to eat S#!T.

Where is inflation? it may be cheaper!

朝鲜的中心--宗庙和N.首尔塔 The centric of Chosyen--Jongmyo plus N.Seoul Tower (8/11)

说话是要小心的。就因为前一天埋怨带了太厚的寒衣,太热了。“Walau, 早知道带去台湾的装备就好了,是谁说韩国很冷的?” 结果当晚就马上下起豪雨,第二天我们的寒衣就完全派上用场。还是那种派上用场还不够暖,不吹风也冷飕飕。。。T_T
Better to watch out what you are saying. That's because I am complaining bringing my thick winter jacket and  the weather is too hot. "Walau, who tell me Korea is very cold, I should just bring those light jacket for Taiwan trip?" The god loves me too much and it rain dog and cat in night. The next morning we use all our winter jacket and still feel cold... T_T

We tweak our itinerary and decided to visit Jongmyo (A place to worship the king's ancestor) . Apparently the Lotte world can't really attract us. My wife also scare about the roller coaster and I already experience the 4G roller coaster in taiwan. It's ok lah.

the yellowish leaves are all around

這個新年真多水 Lot of water for rabbit year.

Chinese always said "water" good! "Water" means wealth. Who knows this time God really show his "Power" to fulfill our pray, really give us few days WATER...

Immediately Johor becomes the water village and my hometown cannot escape...Just after BN declare their victory in Tenang, Johor, The today newspaper headline is "3 dead in flood". 1 Malaysia helps who? Our lovely deputy PM also wants to investigate & research the alert system for disaster. However, I really appreciate those workers and citizen who are helping victim. Salute!

The by-election 2 days ago storm my mind. The rights to vote is so much important to our life, and democracy require us to vote no matter what situation or what disaster coming. Are this the way to show the pride of democracy? thanks to our SPA (or SPR? wtf. cannot remember) insist everything held as planned and this really shine the board of democracy

Back to our topic, how come this time our GOD fulfill our pray? The last tiger year, Johor doesn't have any rain at all. My hometown is the worst, no water to use at all. This is the month of no rain. Hey! Who says want to research further again?

So do you think Johorean dare to pray?

新年的祝賀 A CNY wish

I received an SMS from Celcom today and its content as below:

Salam 1Malaysia. Selamat Tahun Baru Cina kepada semua rakyat Malaysia
terutama kepada kaum Cina.
Ikhlas dari Najib Razak & keluarga. najin@1malaysia.com.my

This makes me start to think the multiple choice:
a. 首相很有錢,可以用Celcom發短訊。
    Our PM is pretty rich, can use Celcom to send SMS.
b. Celcom很支持首相,贊助他發短訊。
    Celcom is very supportive to our PM, sponsor him.
c. 只是單純的祝賀,不過比我們還發的更多封。
    It is just purely a wishing, but send more than we afford to send.
d. 首相如何可以用Celcom祝賀到全民?人民需要的是E時代的快速賀語嗎?
    How our PM uses Celcom to wish all rakyat? Does citizen really need instant wishing in the E generation?
e. 又是1Malaysia。。。
    1Malaysia again...
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