How to create solaris disk slices corresponding to the Veritas volume manager subdisks.

For the users who deal with Solaris and Veritas VxVM, I believe this is important to know of and lots of people will miss out this steps. For miror the OS disk under VxVM control, we will first encapsulate the boot disk and this will preserve the Sun partition as it is then create the private & public region accordingly.
Consequently, we will initialize another disk using VxVM then use vxrootmir to mirror the root (/) partition. Then use vxassist mirror to mirror the rest of OS partition (var, usr, opt, etc).
Looks perfect? but it actually misses out one steps. Where?

When you use vxassist mirror, VxVM will only create the respective subdisk in public region and update the records in private region. Hence no Sun partition will actually be created (E.g. slice 5, 6, 7). This will prevent the Solaris to mount back the original OS partition when disaster happen and you can't boot up the OS with VxVM startup. Even you revert back the /etc/vfstab.prevm & old /etc/system, it still unbootable because the SUN partition slices are not exists. For the primary copy of OS disk, it doesn't have this problem because we run it using encapsulation.

vxmksdpart [-f] [-g diskgroup] subdisk sliceno [tags flags]

According to the fmthard manual, the tags and flas are as below:

tag       description

0x01 BOOT
0x02 ROOT
0x03 SWAP
0x04 USR
0x06 STAND
0x07 VAR
0x08 HOME

flag      description

Assume we have below config, root partition at s0, swap at s1 and var at s4. No need to run for root partition because vxrootmir will create the slice 0.
dg rootdg default default 0 1036078650.1025.pegasus
dm rootdisk c0t0d0s2 sliced 6463 17683680 -
dm rootmirror c0t1d0s2 sliced 6463 17683680 -

v rootvol - ENABLED ACTIVE 13423200 ROUND - root
pl rootvol-01 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 13423200 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-01 rootvol-01 rootdisk 0 13423200 0 c0t0d0 ENA
pl rootvol-02 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 13423200 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-01 rootvol-02 rootmirror 0 13423200 0 c0t1d0 ENA

v swapvol - ENABLED ACTIVE 2100000 ROUND - swap
pl swapvol-01 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 2100000 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-02 swapvol-01 rootdisk 13423200 2100000 0 c0t0d0 ENA
pl swapvol-02 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 2100000 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-02 swapvol-02 rootmirror 13423200 2100000 0 c0t1d0 ENA

v var - ENABLED ACTIVE 2100000 ROUND - fsgen
pl var-01 var ENABLED ACTIVE 2100000 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-03 var-01 rootdisk 15523200 2100000 0 c0t0d0 ENA
pl var-02 var ENABLED ACTIVE 2100000 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-03 var-02 rootmirror 15523200 2100000 0 c0t1d0 ENA

First create the swap on the secondary disk (e.g. c0t1d0),
# /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxmksdpart rootmirror-02 1 0x03 0x01
Then create the var on the secondary disk,
# /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxmksdpart rootmirror-03 4 0x07 0x00
At this point of time, you have the slices created. You may also want to update the changes on /etc/vfstab and /etc/vfstab.prevm.
# /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxprtvtoc -f /tmp/v1  /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2
# cat /tmp/v1 > /etc/vtoc

塔洛牌 - 十一、公正牌 (Justice)



塔洛牌 -- 十、幸運之輪 (Wheel of Fortune)

還記得多年前的紅牌節目The wheel of Fortune?同樣的這就像是從天而降的幸運,當幸運之輪轉動時,你永遠不會知道什麽會掉下來,幾時會掉下來。每個人的一生總會有些時刻非常幸運的得到意外的好運。我想這就是有趣的地方,好好把握和享受這一刻吧,因爲你不知道它幾時會走開。
幸運之輪上外圈有T.O.R.A的字眼和希伯來文的Y.H.V.H(Yod Heh Vav Heh) - 神之名。中間有四個符號代表了水銀、鹽、水、硫磺(四种古元素)。内圈是空白和無法得知的。如果你去過印尼的婆羅浮屠,你就會知道最後那一個佛像是沒有形象的,因爲這是人類無法表現出來的。所以應該是同理。
(snake - Typhon)代表邪惡和墜落物質世界的誘惑。
狼頭人(Anubis - Jackal-headed god,Hermes)代表智慧的提升。




夢 @ 25/3 Dream@25/3

發了一個這樣的夢,夢裏我那有凹洞和刮痕的車 (實際上,前兩個禮拜自己不小心撞到一根柱子而留下一道深深的刮痕)。好像當時是跟燕薇一起(不記得爲了什麽),我就躦到車底用手輕輕推推摸摸,竟然就把車修好了。還一次過把其他刮痕修好了。真開心!

dream my car with dented and scratch (the fact is I hit my car last 2 weeks and left a deep scratch on it). so I was together with yen wey (I can't remember why), I climb under my car and use my hand to repair it. so I just push it then the scratch disappear. Damn happy!!

緣起。。。it begins....


This is my 3rd blog. The previous two blogs are bit proffesional, IT & Tarot. Therefore I am thinking "should I write a blog to just simply share experience?", making the life relax... sharing the experience and story encouter such as travel, food, small little things...
Hope there is one day my sharing can help someone... then it is enough. haha.

How to salvage your CVM cluster node if one node is crash?

Background: This is the real experience that the node is crashed and unbootable after the kernel patch activity. Unfortunately, no backup is performed and no mirror is break before the activity. This cluster is running Veritas VCS and CVM for NFS file sharing purpose.

Solution overview : Clone the OS disk from working node and modified the configuration to revert back the host information.

Detailed solution:
1. Use ufsdump to perform clone from the working node to a new harddisk. Also touch the install-db to prevent the VxVM startup, modify the /newdisk/etc/system & /newdisk/etc/vfstab, remove the root-done file.
2. Unplug all the network & FC connection on the crashed node.
3. Boot up the crashed node with the new harddisk. However it is exactly like the working node therefore hostname & IP, etc must be changed.
Some files must change to revert back the corrent host information.
Other files if neccessary.

4. Start up VxVM manually.
    # vxconfigd -m disable
    # vxdctl hostid [crashnode]
    # vxdctl enable
    # rm /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db
5. Disable whatever rc2.d and rc3.d script (SFHA) to prevent the applications you don't want them to be started up on next reboot. Then reboot the crashed node.
6. Connect back the FC cable.
    # format (you should see the SAN storage)
    # vxdctl enable
    # vxdisk list (you should see the SAN storage)
7. Freeze the crashed node (running commands on working node)

    # haconf -makerw
    # hasys -freeze -persistent [crashnode]
    # haconf -dump -makero

8. Connect the network cable (include heartbeat) and perform ping test.

9. copy the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ from working node to crash node.

10. Bring up the llt & gab.
     # /etc/rc2.d/S70llt start
     # /etc/rc2.d/S92gab start
     # lltstat -vvn
     # gabconfig -a (should see port a and membership should join correctly)
11. Unfreeze the cluster
     # haconf -makerw

     # hasys -unfreeze -persistent [crashnode]
     # haconf -dump -makero
12. Bring up the HA
     # hastart (perform on crash node, the crash node should back to running)
13. Bring up the CVM
     # hagrp -online cvm -sys [crashnode]
     the CVM group should become online.
     # vxdctl -c mode (the crash node should be slave)
14. Bring the rest of resource groups.

塔洛牌 - 九、隱士(The Hermit)


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