We have a good discussion about the chinese and chinese culture that night and there is one point trigger my interest i.e. teaching by using yourself as an example.
I believe all of us already knew what this is, it means as a parent we should make ourselves as good example to let our children learn from it. And something fresh to me is "We are too focus on how to teach, but forget we ourselves should learn as well"
I was thinking thoroughly after the discussion, while I am learning hard actually is a very good example for children. If parent don't like to study, how to make an example to make the children fall in love with books. If parent never like to learn, how to make an example to make our children love to learn? It's normally that we will see parents use all spare time to watch TV dramas even though they are very serious when teaching the kids. Do you think the children love the learning or the TV dramas? They must be wondering how come my parent so love about the TV dramas. But we still worry and complaint our children no interest to learn without looking back what we have actually did.
Is my thoughts correct? how about my own childhood? I remembered I like to read the books from my elder brothers and father, I curious about what they actually read. If they are those kind of simply throw the book away, do you think i will still have such curiosity? Slowly I found my joy within and love to keep my books nicely as what my father did.
That's why my home doesn't have any TV but books are everywhere (of course there are toys around). I am thinking if there is one day my kids took initiative to read the book, I will be very pleased.
After that night, I told myself by old chinese advise - "One is never too old to learn" and "Learning till forget to eat, forget trouble and never know you are getting older". Maybe is a fat hope, I wish children will curious why parent have so much joy to learn and indirectly bringing them up.
Today I told myself must spend a good time to teach my MZ before reach home and it turned out a good result for me (although she still harassing of going out and candy). I wonder it is because I change my heart and she actually feel it. Her hot temper is always my headache, scold and hit can never solve the problem (even make her worse). Think carefully... Could this because we set an bad example for her learn previously? Put myself into her shoes, what kind of person will turn down my hot temper? what kind of person will encourage my initiative to learn? I believe this is the KEY!
Jeff, such serious topic today.
To me, everyone has an inborn talent. All we have to do is notice what that child or person like and encourage him or her to focus on it. This will encourage the child to pursue learning more of the said interest.
It is okay for a kid not to like to read. Bear in mind, those who are top in the school ends up working hard for people while the average or street wise or looking forward people are the ones making it big in life!
As long as the kid stay above average in school, understands and respects people, culture and religion and has a positive outlook in life; I say, you are already a fantastic parent!
Let life take the natural course; stay close and loving to the family, everything else will fall in place.
I always believe in karma, cause and reaction, and law of attraction when it comes to "expectation" in life.
We are always happier if we do not expect.
I believe, nurture without condition will make you and your children happier.
Sorry lah for this long winded comment...
以身作则是很重要的。对小孩是必须爱心加耐心,如何在爱与训当中找到平衡点,“不过不失“的确是一门学问。时刻的自我要求和思考,就是成功的一半。P/S 将图书馆定位每周必到的游乐场,天天陪读;有字没字的。。。都让她们接触,上小学后,她们自然而然就会自动自发,这是我的心得。我天天看戏玩电脑,也不会影响她们,哈哈哈!
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