Enterprise Vault - how to manually create audit database if the selection is missing from the admin console

Normally we enable audit for enterprise vault by right-clicking the directory icon in the admin console. However, I face a problem that the selection "enable audit..." is not shown after I re-install the EV software. Worst thing is I also deleted the EnterpriseVaultAudit database from SQL server. I can't find any document or technote how to create back the audit database.

1) Shutdown all EV services.
2) Manually create a database called 'EVaudit'. and select the path you want to locate the database and transaction log. Click 'OK'.
3) Explore to the \Enterprise Vault. Search for the file called 'audit.sql'. Double-click to open it.
4) In the SQL management console, Execute the audit.sql for 'EVaudit'. This will create required tables in the database. (This script will fail if the database name is not 'EVaudit'.)
5) Open regedit and verify HKLM\software\KVS\admin\auditing is available or not. If not, rename the file audit.reg.txt (in EV installed folder) to audit.reg and double-click to run it.
6) Now open the ODBC (from start -> administrative tools) and go to systemDSN tab. select the EVaudit and click 'configure'. click 'Next' Until you see "change database default to" and select the 'EVaudit' this time. click 'Next' again until finished.
7) Start all the EV services.

You may verify it by
1) Perform some action in the admin console.
2) Launch the auditviewer.exe to perform the search.
3) If the search fail, check the settings whether point to correct SQL server.

Note: You still need need to rename the Database from "EVaudit" to "EnterpriseVaultAudit" Due to the EV reporting services required the database name as such.
How to do it?
1) Shutdown all EV services.
2) Open SQL management studio and rename the database name to "EnterpriseVaultAudit".
3) In the EV services, Open the ODBC wizard. Select the System DSN entry 'EVAudit' and click configure.
4) Follow the instructions but only change the databasename point to "EnterpriseVaultAudit".

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